
Volumetric Reconstruction Framework is an integrated open source project developed at Department of Computer Science, University of Tehran as a joint work with Technical University of Munich (TUM) written in C# using .Net framework.

This framework can be used for developing new volumetric reconstruction and consistency checking algorithms including shape from silhouette and shape from photo consistency both in dynamic and static scenes. Furthermore reconstructed results can be used as an input for different volumetric presentation approaches which itself is a known topic in computer graphics.

Input: Photos taken from different cameras in different views of an object.
Output: the 3D Reconstructed object.
Note: Object can be either static or dynamic.


(click for larger images)

Boxed Voxel Visualizer Output

Window: Monitor
Voxelization: Simple Visual Hull
Visualization: Boxed Visualizer

Marching Cube Visualizer Output 1

Window: Monitor
Voxelization: Space Carving Colored
Visualization: Marching Cube

Marching Cube Visualizer Output 2

Window: Monitor
Voxelization: Space Carving Colored
Visualization: Marching Cube

Volume Reconstruction Application

Window: Main Application